Tuesday, March 17, 2015


For the first time ever, I will say that I didn't care for all the snow days we had. WHAT???? It's like I am blaspheming against the perks of being a teacher! And since we work an extra 1/2 hour per day, we have invested our time to earn it back. So why the trouble??

Deadlines. As a class, I usually have deadlines and can be pretty flexible, but this one was out of my control. We were helping with the play that our theater dept. is putting on by building props/set. We were moving right along and then the snow days happened. Now fast forward to today, the 17th of March, and we had to cut 2 pieces from the set. Was it a major change?? No. But I feel that the impact of my program not being able to get done was frustrating, at least to me. The play will be a hit, Mrs. Gunter always does a great job. But I wanted to get it all done. And we won't. But, I think there is a teaching moment here....

My students will use this to see the impact of weather on a small business. What happens when they miss deadlines?? What happens when the owner has employees that can't show up? WHAT IF THE PROJECT DOESN'T GET DONE??? We have covered these avenues of learning, and will see the impact of what happens. Lost revenue, lost customers/clients, potential for unpaid additional work time. These are aspects of real life, and if we are teaching, then we are teaching that real life happens. Not every little thing is rosy and "will be okay".

Now that I have said all that-- I loved my snow days. Because I got a bunch of extra time with my kids )they had snow days too!!) And like I said earlier, I know the play will be a hit. Go see Bye Bye Birdie the weekend of the 20-22 of March, at Oakland. They worked hard to make it through snow days too!

Building Trades and Grades,
Mr. Wells


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